IPE Briefed on CAR Success

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IPE Briefed on CAR Success

Y’s Men International has been supporting the Roll Back Malaria Partnership since 2008. Over the past decade, our funds have supported vital mass distributions of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) in Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Togo and social mobilisation components of distribution activities in Tanzania.

Since the year 2000, one billion nets have been delivered worldwide, thanks in part to the contribution of YMI clubs who have contributed more than CHF 570,000. The support of YMI is highly valued by our primary partner, the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), who depend on our donations to fill many of the funding gaps that remain, as was the case in Togo, for example, where there was a ‘net gap’ and, consequently, the urban/peri-urban areas of Lomé and Golfe districts had not been covered. Monies from the Norwegian Red Cross, the United Nations Foundation (UNF) and Y’s Men International could be used to secure the purchase of additional nets.

While recently making a visit to IHQ in Geneva, Switzerland, International President Elect Moon Sang-bong and his wife Lee Hye-sook were welcomed at the IFRC headquarters. Mr Jason Peat and Ms Melanie Caruso, key members of the IFRC malaria team, descibed IFRC’s recent work in the fight against malaria, namely the distribution of over 2.1 million LLINs in the Central African Republic (CAR) by the Ministry of Health, Central African Red Cross Society and partners. The meeting was also attended by ISG Takao Nishimura and administration staff from both IHQ and the office of IPE.

Decades of instability and the recent outbreak of extreme ethnic and sectarian violence makes CAR one of the most challenging operating environments in the world. Despite the conditions, the distribution in three regions achieved rates of 90% net ownership and 80% use, surpassing most mass campaigns taking place in Africa. Rapid mobile phone-based (RAMP) data collection uses mobile phones to allow health centres in CAR to report data which provides accountability, limits the amount of wastage of commodities, reduces drug stock-outs and rapidly provides impact data.

During the IFRC visit, IPE Moon presented a cheque for CHF 60,000 to Under Secretary General, Partnerships, Dr Jemilah Mahmood. IPE Moon also presented her with a small souvenir of the upcoming 2018 International Convention in Yeosu, South Korea.

For more information: Y’s Men International – www.ysmen.org/rbm

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – www.ifrc.org/malaria

World Health Organization – www.who.int/malaria/media/world-malaria-report-2017/en/