IHQ Statement

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IHQ Statement

The International Headquarters of Y’s Men International is aware of recent correspondence circulating amongst club members from Dr K.C. Samuel who resigned from the office of International President on 17 January 2023.

Resignation by the International President is a significant decision that carries constitutional implications. The International Constitution clearly describes an automatic process to address the situation without bias nor the discretion or engagement of any governing body.

Following the constitutional mandate, IPE Ulrik Lauridsen automatically assumed the office of the International President from the day of the resignation of Dr K.C Samuel. IHQ informed leaders and clubs worldwide of the same. (“Lauridsen Assumes IP Office“, 18 January 2023).

Following the resignation of Dr K.C. Samuel and the recent election of new International Officers and Council Members, an extraordinary meeting of the International Council on 6 February 2023, where the resignation of the IP was reported, and the Council attested the new list of officers for 2022/23 and 2023/24.

Contrary to the above facts, Dr K.C. Samuel has made a false statement that his resignation has not been considered by the International Council. In an email circulated on 23 May 2023, he claims to be the International President, which is unconstitutional as per Article V, Section 2(E) and this assertion is not binding for Y’s Men International.

Club members are advised that the current International Executive Officers for the year 2022/23, as attested by the International Council, are:

  • International President – Mr Ulrik Lauridsen, Denmark
  • Immediate Past International President – Dr Kim Sang-chae, South Korea
  • International Treasurer – Mr T.M Jose, India

The International Executive Officers for 2023/24:

  • International President – Mr Ulrik Lauridsen, Denmark
  • International President Elect – Mr Shen (Charming) Chi-Ming, Taiwan
  • Immediate Past International President – Dr Kim Sang-chae, South Korea
  • International Treasurer – Mr T.M Jose, India
  • International Treasurer Elect – Mr Erik Breum, Denmark

Key points:

  1. On 15 January 2023, the International Nominating Committee determined that IP Dr K.C. Samuel violated Guideline 412 of the International Constitution. By issuing and circulating a notice of enquiry against an ITE candidate, Mr T.M. Jose, after the commencement of the International Election, his actions were determined to have exerted influence on the outcome of the ITE election. Pursuant to the provisions of Guideline 412, the violations were reported for action under Guideline 308 of the International Constitution.
  2. On 17 January 2023, IP Dr K.C. Samuel resigned from the office of the International President citing several of his own reasonings and circulated the resignation letter to ICMs and fellow Y’s Men worldwide.
  3. The Constitution clearly states how to handle the resignation of each of the international officers. In the case of the resignation of the International President, Article V, Section 2(E) states:
    “The International President-Elect shall automatically become the International President of the Association at the expiration of the current President’s one (1) year term of office or upon the death, incapacity or resignation of the International President.”
  4. At the special meeting of the International Council held on 6 February 2023, the Nominating Committee’s decision on the violation of Guideline 412, the resignation of the IP, and the election of new International Officers and ICMs were reported and taken on record. The Council attested the new lists of International Officers and ICMs required for the years 2022/23 and 2023/24 following the resignation of the IP as well as the results of the International Election 2022/23.
  5. Following the findings and recommendation of the International Nominating Committee under Guideline 412, on 10 March 2023, the International Executive Officers debarred Dr K.C. Samuel from occupying any position, either elected, appointed, or nominated, in the Association for a period of three years as per the recommendations of the Nomination Committee under Guidelines 308 and 412.

For and on behalf of Y’s Men International,


Mr Ulrik Lauridsen
International President


Mr Jose Varghese
International Secretary General