Result of Club Vote on Amendments to Constitution

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Result of Club Vote on Amendments to Constitution

The club voting phase for the proposed amendments to our International Constitution has been completed successfully and clubs have approved the amendments with the necessary two-thirds majority (98.9% in favour).

Here are the key details of the voting outcome:

  • Total number of clubs that participated: 356 clubs
  • Number of clubs in favour of the amendment: 347 (98.9%)
  • Number of clubs against the amendment: 4 (1.1%)
  • Number of abstentions: 5 (1.4%)

Reacting to the news, International President, Mr Ulrik Lauridsen, expressed his enthusiasm and appreciation. “I am very encouraged by the strong support from our clubs for these amendments,” he said. “Their approval not only strengthens our legal position in Switzerland but also unites us, ready to take on future challenges with confidence.”

He added, “This is a significant step forward in our mission to make a meaningful impact around the world. I want to thank all the clubs for their support in this important matter.”


This ballot is certified by Simply Voting to have been securely processed and accurately tabulated by their independently managed service.

You may download a spreadsheet of vote data on the link below to audit these results.